Shade Koba's Ban Appeal

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Shade Koba

Steam Name and In-Game Name: Shade Koba
SteamID: fuckifiknow
Server: (Jedi vs Sith or Skyrim) JvS
Banning Staff: Benjamin Iben
Reason for Ban: Ben's homophobia
Ban Time: 1 day
What did you do?: I saw everyone calling each other gay in /advert so I adverted that everyone on the server were gay furries
Why you should be unbanned: I'm a gay furry and Ben is a homophobe
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Steam Name and In-Game Name:
Server: (Jedi vs Sith or Skyrim)
Banning Staff:
Reason for Ban:
Ban Time:
What did you do?:
Why you should be unbanned:
As a gay furry, on the staff team, I can assure you, ben is not homophobic. That being said, he probs should of talked to you before banning you
Neutral, how would someone know if someone is a gay furry. Noone really cares about ppls personal stuff. Adverting that everyone are gay furries, while true its still dumb. Calling someone homophobic for something like that is stupid too.

Edit: its still only 1 day and the reasoning is kinda logical

Shade Koba

Neutral, how would someone know if someone is a gay furry. Noone really cares about ppls personal stuff. Adverting that everyone are gay furries, while true its still dumb

Still absolutely no excuse to ban me for being a gay furry. It's homophobic and Ben shouldn't be staff if he lets his homophobia interfere with his ability to do his job efficiently.
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