{Warning} Please be careful

So these past 3 days i've been extremely stressed because someone hacked into my Fortnite Account. I'm really good with computers and i'm a coder, it's not like I clicked on anything or was stupid and fell for anything, they just straight up hacked into it. Now normally this wouldn't be that big of a deal however, I had a credit card linked to my account. They ended up getting that credit card and trying to use it to buy things, they also hacked into my email. After that, they went to account info and saw the billing address as well as my paypal and hacked my paypal as well. For the past 3 days I couldn't get into my account to lock them out because after they got in, since I had not enabled two factor authentication, they enabled it themselves. This meant that it saw my computer as a new device and asked for a security code sent to my email. However since he set it up, HE was recieving the codes and not me. After 3 days of back and fourth emails with Epic Games, and providing a shiiiit ton of information proving i'm the actual owner, I just got back into my account today. I spent a total of $400 on the account so I wasn't about to just make a new account. I had to freeze my credit card, disable paypal, and disable my fortnite account. This was really scary because the dude knew what he was doing.

Wanted to make this post to tell you to PLEASE get an authentication app. Now that this is over, I wouldn't wish this upon any of you and I never ever saw this happening to me until it happened. Now I installed a thing called google authenticator where whenever anyone tries to get into my email that isnt on my device, it requires a code that consistently refreshes that can only be found on my app (Its on the app store there's others as well). I also enabled it for fortnite to stop that same person from ever getting in again. So on the same app, it also has a different code that also refreshes to get into my eipc games account whenever it's a new device. I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend doing this,

Be safe please