Why wiping everything will ruin reborn from a former player


I feel like restarting the economy won't make the server more fun because not everyone gets joy out of collecting every single artifact because they scammed half the server or having 200 mill because they did a shit ton of buying and then selling for higher. A lot of people just want to get to that high tier and enjoy it and when people take away months or years worth of work of trying to get lucky in a raid or finally having enough money to buy an artifact then it discourages people and makes them question if it is worth even playing again because the grind took so long and it could take even longer. Sure you could argue that someone's items doesn't matter if there is no server, but you could easily say that there would be no server if items are wiped because people could be discouraged to play again since they know everything they worked for is gone. Not everyone would leave, but enough to impact the server and enough that would basically ensure it dies again and that would suck. It took a year and a half to get my first artifact and I only got it because I traded everything I owned, 20 mill, and as a faction leader I broke an alliance with the Sith. The 2nd and last artifact I got was 8 months later when after what felt like my 20th artifact raid I finally got lucky and won an artifact. That much effort thrown away just fucking blows
the idea is making items less impactful and making them mostly cosmetic and almost like trophies instead of stat sticks, there for those people who do want to not have to grind items dont have to and those people who do like to can get a fresh start and all at the same time everything gets a fresh start so people dont feel like they are 10000 years behind. again people dont look at the big picture or know all the facts. you threw away the effort of getting your crystals when you stopped playing the server. you people dont understand at the end of the day if the servers dead you loose your shit anyway, i personally think it would be better to try and start anew and make a NEW foundation and let people build up fresh instead of dusting off a old, problematic system where admittedly my desire to make money caused the server to suffer massively.


the idea is making items less impactful and making them mostly cosmetic and almost like trophies instead of stat sticks, there for those people who do want to not have to grind items dont have to and those people who do like to can get a fresh start and all at the same time everything gets a fresh start so people dont feel like they are 10000 years behind. again people dont look at the big picture or know all the facts. you threw away the effort of getting your crystals when you stopped playing the server. you people dont understand at the end of the day if the servers dead you loose your shit anyway, i personally think it would be better to try and start anew and make a NEW foundation and let people build up fresh instead of dusting off a old, problematic system where admittedly my desire to make money caused the server to suffer massively.
gl hf


also like i said in the other thread, not wiping items. We will however probably add new crystal tiers or types


the idea is making items less impactful and making them mostly cosmetic and almost like trophies instead of stat sticks, there for those people who do want to not have to grind items dont have to and those people who do like to can get a fresh start and all at the same time everything gets a fresh start so people dont feel like they are 10000 years behind. again people dont look at the big picture or know all the facts. you threw away the effort of getting your crystals when you stopped playing the server. you people dont understand at the end of the day if the servers dead you loose your shit anyway, i personally think it would be better to try and start anew and make a NEW foundation and let people build up fresh instead of dusting off a old, problematic system where admittedly my desire to make money caused the server to suffer massively.

Just make them fully cosmetic.And try and find a way to start taking crystals out of the loot pool.That also means no more events that give them out
Just make them fully cosmetic.And try and find a way to start taking crystals out of the loot pool.That also means no more events that give them out

You should still be able to get crystals from events as a roll drop but they should proboboly stop doing the Artifact/Ancient ones. The rarest crystal you can now obtain should be a legendary. There is already too much Ancient/Artifact's in circulation right now.