Zennon's Ban Appeal

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JvS Staff
Steam Name and In-Game Name: Zennon Olav, Savior Master Zennon Toro
Server: (Jedi vs Sith or Skyrim) Jedi vs. Sith
Banning Staff: Kalrain
Reason for Ban: Inappropriate/offensive topics in ooc
Ban Time: 1 day
What did you do?: Nidus had been making jokes about beating his wife since he was wearing a under shirt often refered to as a "Wife Beater". I was reading this and ignored it then nidus said "he beats his slaves so like". I am trying to be more known, so I said this "An event idea I just wrote down involves a slave empire" And then in the next post "so I guess I beat slaves too" In star wars lore, there is a empire known as the Zygerrian Slave Empire. I am currently writing a lot of event ideas for star wars since I am aiming to be a GM, and so I am writing an event that involves this. After this was made 2 of the GM's said that it isn't okay to talk about this stuff, and I made another joke (not continuing on that topic) saying "We all play gmod. We are messed up in the head okay..." I wasn't being serious just trying to lighten the mood after staff had gotten onto us in ooc and it would more than likely make people uncomfortable. They said that it wasn't okay another few times, I said Okay, they got onto me again saying it isn't an exuse, then I said "It is not an excuse but a reason we are playing this dead game" then I was banned, with NO WARN from the staff that banned, he said nothing in ooc, and did not go to or say anything to us before banning me and Nidus. Here is a screenshot of everything said after I joined the conversation. This will stop anyone from saying I lied so: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1469419224
Why you should be unbanned: For starters, What I said wasn't offensive or Inappropriate. It may not have been acceptable to say, but it was neither offensive or inappropriate. Secondly, The staff did not follow standard procedures. As well, in the Staff Application Information, it says and I quote "Be lenient with players - we all make mistakes." How is banning someone with no prior warning, no verbal warning, or text warning, or anything being "lenient with players - we all make mistakes" Banning someone for one day without any type of warning beforehand is not lenient in the slightest, especially when what I said did not follow the reason he banned me.
I would just like to state that the staff did go to extreme, but with how I spaced the messages into two instead of one, I understand being punished, but I still do not believe that a ban should have been applied. At the most it should have just been a bring and a scolding not a ban.

Proof of any kind would help in appealing your ban. The only ones that can appeal your ban is at least two super admins or one owner. Lying in an appeal will result in an instant denial and an increase in ban time. Insulting the staff team or someone else will result in an instant denial. Any other questions can be asking as a response to this thread. Thanks for the time.

Screenshot again: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1469419224
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Going off of the situation at the time, it appeared that you were joining in with Nidris when it came to beating slaves, which I deem as an inappropriate topic to be discussing in OOC, you attempted to join in and become more well known as you put it but it was kind of the wrong place wrong time deal, you can comment in OOC about other, more friendly topics but trying to become more well known by talking alongside someone who talks about beating slaves is not the wisest decision, I realise you are trying to be more popular and 'well known' so people support your GM app but read into the context a bit more before hand.


So, my question is why there no staff sit, or discussion prior to the ban? I'm not questioning you and your skills as a staff. I'm questioning why when I look at the screenshot and his explanation, there was no warnings, talk, or verbal warning. Especially as verbal warning or talk to. Of course in the logs it shows others were telling him no. But, no staff intervened. He was just speaking about his event idea and strayed a little from what we call appropriate. And that qualifies as a straight up ban with no talk to by staff? A game master and users were telling him basically no in OOC. I believe the situation was handled poorly, as it was a straight up ban after a user and GM said it was bad. I believe this is a recurring problem with many of the staff members. They are handling situations poorly by just using their powers immediately before assessing the situation, de-escalate the issue and those involved in it. The more I write about this, the more I am annoyed with many of the moderation team. You were recruited into the staff team for one reason, to assist the players, moderate the server, and make it better. I will stop my rant now, but again, this would never of happened if the staff team handled this better, by just even talking to the player. +1 from me.


When it comes to these offensive topics there is zero tolerance for it when it comes to punishments, if you talk about beating slaves in OOC, don't expect to get off with a small talk or a warning, it's a serious topic which should not be joked about. I'll admit that I should've done a sit prior, and that's on me for not doing it, I take full responsibility for that, I rushed to the ban and didn't handle the situation as I should've.


JvS Staff
I drop my appeal. I just wanted to make sure that this situation would not happen in the future. If Kalrain understands that a sit should have happened, then I will drop it and just wait my time out.

Highlord Miles

The time of the ban is alright. Might be a little too much. Don't appreciate no sit happening. But if you want to drop the appeal, we can.


JvS Staff
I would like to get unbanned asap, but I was guessing it wouldn't happen just because the time was low. If it could be reduced at all or removed, then that would be awesome.

Highlord Miles

I would like to get unbanned asap, but I was guessing it wouldn't happen just because the time was low. If it could be reduced at all or removed, then that would be awesome.

Do you have any other history of rule breakings? Warns, bans, etc etc


JvS Staff
This is the first warn or ban I have had on any server. I have been kicked when me and some other staff were messing around but no actual rule breaking.

Highlord Miles

Alrighty. Since you haven't had a punishment on the server before and this case isn't too severe, I'll have you unbanned. Try to stick away from those topics again. Good luck with your gamemaster application, hope you have success.


JvS Staff
Thanks for you help Miles. I intend to not do anything else that would require staff to reprimand me! Thanks again :)
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