Ban appeal

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Rde Ren

Steam Name and In-Game Name: Rde or Jerr
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:186748471
Server: (Jedi vs Sith or Skyrim) JVS
Banning Staff: anzati/ pallox i was unbanned then banned today thats why pallox
Reason for Ban: warns/my past
Ban Time: permanent
What did you do?: I had gotten in an argument with anzati about another server in game and had a past of being banned

Why you should be unbanned: I really want to play the server again new updates and maps coming and I really want to come back. I should have avoided the argument with anzati and known what would happen if I got in trouble again. Ive been trying to make peace with people on the server and just want to help make the community better again. This most likely wont be accepted and ill keep trying if it gets denied. I think i have been gone for awhile and have taken a pretty long break. I hope you guys think im ready to come back.
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+1 RDE has been unbanned a few times, considering he is constantly on the verge of being banned because of his warns. I believe he should be allowed back, at least to see if he ends up being toxic.

Rde Ren

btw i understand why i was banned on ts but i dont think i should have been permaed from it. I said "i cant believe they didnt fix the heavy glitch when 4.0 came out"
+3 very large improvements, I think he is actually realizing how much he misses Reborn. But I feel if he goes back to his ways or gets even 1 warn he should be banned for 6months to 1year with no appeal.


-1 the past 2 times you were permad, shepard said this is your last chance. This one actually was your last chance which means no APPEAL. Clearly you dont learn from your mistakes and do them over and over. At some point there is a lone where you are actually permad. Honestly should be banned off the forums too. Just remove him from the community
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