Denciles Ban Appeal

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+1 Lmao I could care less if he said it with a r or a. Hes black I do the same shit with my friends in IRL it's just natural that we say it cause we say it when talkig to our friends. It's not like he was calling someone a N^g^^r and if he did it's his friend which is just joking. You can easily tell when someone is using it as slander or when someone is using it as talking to a friend.


+1 I dont even know why you guys ban for the N word its not racist most people dont even think it has meaning and for most people it's part of how they talk today. Like honestly just seems like a way to make staff look like they're doing something but what do ik


Racism isn't tolerated on Reborn. However, I've come to know Dencile as a chill dude, and I don't think he should be banned for so long. Yes, the justification of being black doesn't work, but I don't think this mishaps represents a good positive member of our community. +1


+2 He's black, and while there's a whole discussion to be had of whether or not that's ok, by the time we were done his ban would have run out.


+1 It should be fine if your saying it to a friend and that friend or person they are talking to doesn't get offended also he's not running around calling everyone the n word it shouldn't really be a problem, I think everyone just needs to chill out


Rules are rules, I'm not about to let someone start saying the n-word on the server because they feel they should be able to, regardless of the situation. Everyone is held to the same standard when it comes to racism and at this time the ban will remain.

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