Draskatas Thrash Ban Apeal

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Woo boy, it's gonna be one of those talks. If someone goes into your house and says shit that you don't like, you can kick them out. Imagine this server is the owners house and the staff members are security guards. If you cause a ruckus vocally or physically. You will be kicked out.
i didnt cause a prob i literally listened to what the admin said and shit like i was just liike whats good my nigga and he's like ooohhh racist
Alright my bad, I was wrong, it seems you said the n-word at least 3 times and I misread the text about a tooth as I didn't read the text before it. It seems you wanted to say you had a fake tooth with a cyanide capsule in it so you could kill yourself to get out of being captured. Regardless here's the logs of you saying the n-word so anyone viewing the post will know the situation: View attachment 319View attachment 320
oh wow i said nigaa once and it was its a fake tooth nigaaa
i didnt cause a prob i literally listened to what the admin said and shit like i was just liike whats good my nigga and he's like ooohhh racist

oh wow i said nigaa once and it was its a fake tooth nigaaa
It literally says that you said the n-word 3 times. You're backing yourself into a corner here.
na nigga is totaly different from the one with er 2 simular sounding words 2 different meanings
still, many people have been banned for saying the n word. I got banned for it too. I had a black friend on reborn who got banned for it also, dont see why you would be an exception
it kinda does XDXD nigga and the one with er at the end are 2 different things 2 different meanings
You don’t seem to be appealing and trying to apologize for your ban, you seem to just be defending your actions. Your actions broke the rules, you were banned, and I couldn’t give less of a shit of what race you are. You shouldn’t hide behind that to justify your actions.
-1 Just like Frost said you are not trying to say these things never happened you are just saying that you don't think you were wrong for the rules that you broke.
1 week is very lenient for the kinda of things you said to other people, you should just sit out the ban and reflect on what you did.


Forum Manager
I’m going to lock and deny this as it’s getting out of hand. Racial slurs have a no tolerance policy on the server. We can not pick and choose who can and can’t follow a rule based on their ethnicity. That would be a double standard and lead to further issues. Feel free to come back to the server once your ban is over and read the rules listed on this very forum. Thank you. Locked.
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