My Ban appeal

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Steam Name and In-Game Name: Sauron
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:121003759
Server: (Jedi vs Sith or Skyrim) Jvs
Banning Staff: Whiskey Rose
Reason for Ban: Racism
Ban Time: 3 days
What did you do?: I hit a bind on accident
Why you should be unbanned: I was trying to make a bind for a and scomm and I was trying to find a key and I hit my N key and it said the N word in all caps and I had no I dead it was there. My only explanation is normally I get bored on gmod and I try to time my self on how fast I can get banned on a Dark RP server. I haven’t done that is a very long time so who knows when it was made I’m truly sorry for what I did I hope my video helps.


im trying to find it on my phne i made the video on my phone an attached it as a file so im making it a youtube video
Well... We normally don't take things like this lightly. You said something that is not suppose to be said what so ever. Weather if it is a bind or not, we do not allow it. Having binds like that puts YOU at risk of getting punished, even if it was an accident. I recommend removing all your binds and adding new ones so this will not happen in the future. Good luck on your appeal <3
I mean the problem with this is, it could of easily been made in the moment right before you started filming. If you recorded you just playing and it randomly popping up while on reborn thatd be diffrent. So unfurtenetly this vid dosent prove much, -1


OK why would you have that? You have been on the server for over a year... You should know better.
It wasn’t for this server I dont even remember when it was put into place. I’m truly sorry that I didn’t like you said I’ve been on the server for over a year. I do know better and I don’t even know what was happening since the server does auto correct it I didn’t know what the bind actually said
even if you posted a video in single player doesnt mean shit, you could of literally just binded that for "proof" also clean your fucking keyboard
-3 had to ban you from TS right after this because you verbally said the n word when you were complaining about "how much of an ass Whiskey is" for banning you. It's very possible it was a bind, but this extreme toxicity needs to end.


Honestly just fuck it I’ll just wait the Ban I try to be less toxic but whatever. And for what Vick said I was explaining what was happened in the video if you don’t have the common since that it was in a derogatory manner than you need to grow up
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