Tater's GameMaster Application

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Steam name: Alligator Tater
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:30921651
Ingame name(s): ADS BBS Lord Tater
Current play time: I have been on the server for a little over a month but have put in roughly 160-200 hrs
Time in Garry’s Mod: 2599 Hours
Amount of warns: 0
Age: 20

Previous Gamemaster/Event making Experience:
NLG SWRP(Head Dev/Admin)
Time as position: 5 months(Until server shut down)

(Check off the answer you choose with a “x”.)

Would you consider yourself an good builder?
[x] yes
[ ] no

Experience with Garry’s Mod construction and NPC control:

I understand past the basic mechanics of spawning and setting things down such as how to use prop snap mechanics, tools such as precision tool, stacker, advanced duplicator, ULX prop perms, etc. I also know how to set NPC weapons, hostility, etc. I’m also familiar with prop sets and sizes so familiarity and quick-thinking building is easy for me.

Are you able to create a cohesive story?
[x] yes
[ ] no

Experience with the creation of storylines, and knowledge of star wars lore:

My secondary passion next to my degree field (I’m a college student) is creative writing. I have created story lines on several different occasions for the SWRP server I used to run & would try to make them more than just shooting/stabbing things. I actually wanted them to experience something a little bit more. While not official or documented, I also enjoy writing short stories on the side. If proof of my writing and story building ability is needed I am willing to submit such to whoever would like to see it. As for my Star Wars Lore knowledge I am a huge fan of the SWEU(Star Wars Expanded Universe; Comics such as the recent Maul series & Books Like Plagueis and Death Troopers). I have fairly decent knowledge of both canon and non-canon lore and can apply those into my writing.

Have you ever assisted in an event on Reborn in the past?
[ ] yes
[X] no
If so how many times?
[ ]

Can you work well with others to plan and execute an event?
[X] yes
[ ] no

As a game master what do you desire to do? (ie: Build, create story, etc.):

I mentioned earlier that a passion of mine is story building and creative writing. My main goal by becoming a gamemaster is to build events with decent levels of everchanging design to keep the players guessing what is coming next and to create a background story that the players could live through and enjoy. While such is limited in Garry’s Mod, I would bring the best of my ability to the table to try to make my story based events go somewhere above the board of just shooting and swinging.

Plan an event (story based or building based):

A group of tired and distraught intergalactic traveler’s emergency land at a boarding bay due to a fuselage leaking during a hyper jump(The crew names are Captain Basilisk, Weapons Specialist Fuhran, Crewmate Iliata, & Deckhand Morfuas’sh). This boarding bay will be prop built and will constitute a large landing pad with a functional and immersive indoor airport-esque area, and some off to the side free area so that roaming, barricades, and environmental immersion will be existent. There are four travelers in total, but investigation of the ships computer systems & nav computer will reveal there was six of them in total. The whereabouts of the missing two will not be revealed until the end.

Asking them where they are from and what their business is will offend them, as they are travelers at the boarding bay like yourselves, and do not feel as though they should be harassed with questions by snarky, pompous Force Users. In an instant a large ship will beam overhead and a group of Mantis Syndicate Assassin will start to attack everyone. Accompanied with them will be a single high health force user(Named Head Mantis "Name"). Once all of the troopers are defeated and the force user is dealt with, it will be revealed that one of the four is a target to these “Mantis Syndicate Assassins”. A wave like system will begin where every two minutes after a defeated wave, a new wave of troopers and force user(s) will spawn, each wave getting progressively harder to fight off. While the new wave is being spawned in, the area where they will be spawned will be blocked off and all Sith/Jedi must wait in the building and coordinate/discern clues together. You must protect the four couriers in order to make sure that the one who is the target is revealed and his reason for being targeted is ascertained.

Clues will be revealed at the end of each wave by the GM’s and will lead to the identity of the assassination target. The first of the 4 clues will be a torn photo with an indiscernible face, but a uniform with a small. special insignia on it. Three members of the crew will have this insignia so that will narrow it down(Can be anything but the Captain for the first time around). The next clue will be a coded message. This will be changed from event to event but the first time this event is held the code could be 668-843-278 (On an older cellphone keyboard this would spell out “NOT-THE-CPT” ruling out the Captain as a lead). If no one can figure out this clue by the end of third wave it could be deciphered for them. The third clue is a code that can be entered only into a Mantis Computer (Make this code whatever you’d like but do not let them enter it until after the 4th round). The final clue will be the Mantis ship crash landing into the boarding bay and the computer being exposed, allowing the code to be entered and the target name to be revealed.

Once the target is revealed and safe, he will thank the assisting event players and tell them that he is wanted for hijacking the ship they arrived on. The two missing crew members were actually Mantis Syndicate, and the ship was transporting them to the Mantis after they were captured on Coruscant, later to be sold into slavery. The traveler simply was defending himself against the bounty hunters/slavers. As a reward all surviving event members will receive a reward on behalf of the grateful target.

The point of this event is to not only progress by shooting and stabbing, but to also introduce a timed wave system I have not seen in use before. This also introduces some form of clue hunting, engaging players in a team building effort involving a small, but discernible level of critical thinking to give players event activities other than combat.

User Administrative Agreement
By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I have read and fully understand all of requirements and expectations placed on our staff members, including, but not limited to:
- Suspension/demotion due to inactivity, abuse, and neglect of the responsibilities placed on Gamemasters

User Permission Clause
By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I, Alligator Tater(ADS BBS Lord Tater), have permission from Psycho (Emperor’s Hand Jar Jar) to make my application (either via forum private message, steam, or in-game).
I also acknowledge that If I am lying about my permission that I will be denied the right to apply for any Gamemaster position in the future.

Player Interview
Why should we support your application, and what makes you more qualified than other players? (Please elaborate - minimum effort will not be tolerated):

I know a month is not a whole lot in terms of playtime, but in that time I have logged a considerable amount of hours that show that I do have dedication to this server. Without fail I have managed to login almost every day for some period of time whether to play extensively or just to check on things for an hour or so. To add to this, my time on this server has let me meet many new faces, but not many that are higher ups besides the ones who I share Organization status with. Regardless of this, I feel as though I have been nothing but respectful and helpful to all those who have approached me. I have held the server, its people, and its guidelines in the highest regard since joining. With that in mind, I feel that with the ideas I want to bring and the respect I have for the server/everyone involved, I can become an above exceptional Trial-Gamemaster (hopefully proving myself to be, in the future, a game master).

Other than my love to write and my dedication to this server, I have personal experience both operating, developing, and running events on an SWRP server. I did this for around five months on the aforementioned server in my application and would love to bring what I gave to that server here. Throughout the application I also mention my experience with both the game and many widely used addon mechanics that assist in both NPC handling & event building and could apply that knowledge here to prove that I do have a decent aptitude for handling the creation of my own predesigned events.

To finish this off, another reason I should be accepted is the fact that I enjoy and personally seek out constructive criticism and hard facts. If I ever do not perform to the ability that is expected (which I plan to do 24/7), I am open and willing to improve upon any flaws that may be noticed. I am not one to take critique and advice on bettering myself personally and will hold any comments regarding such for future reference so that I may show that I am willing to become the best Gamemaster I can possibly become.
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-2 I do like your event idea, but I think it is very unrealistic, and I doubt you could pull it off. I also do not have enough positive experience with you to be able to + or even neutral your app. You should also be in TS more and I would honestly recommend a bit more time on the server.

+3 Great rper, is constantly active, hangs out with me in TS sometimes. The G.O.A.T
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I am neutral. You're activity is spotty at times, I do not know if you work or not. If you do work then it is somewhat understandable for the spotty activity time. I know you from GL. Best of luck!

Edit: +1 He recently got DC. He has been extremely active recently but not always in ts. He is an outstanding person.
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-1 haven't seen you in TS, event seems a bit too much to handle and I have only seen you during raids not much trying to talk to other factions and getting to know other people

Edit: +1 Changing my vote to +1 because I realized who are and you are super active
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+1 Since this dude got DC he has but in a lot of Hours and is very good at RPing. Would make a good GM


+1 He's active, great RP'er and could come up with other event ideas when he actually hes a better aspect from in-game point of view. Good luck tater


+1 Super nice, really active, creative minded, good leader, the list goes on. I would plus 2 if I still could


+1 you're on the the best RP'ers I know, You're really active and friendly. I think you'd make an excellent adition to the GM's, all the best!
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