The grey problem

grey is for the people who have a CC and just want a "take a little break" life. No forced duties, no ranks to climb, no council to follow and so on. Was never ment to be anything else. And should be kept that way. This may be why there's not too many on, And its fine that way really. They don't have any impact on the game itself, we're just kinda there. Altough what we could do in the future is like small RP event with grays. Would be cool. But they're fine as they are right now


Hey greys what u guys think of taking over kashyyyke make it our rp planet we can control resources and use it as our out post. Let's face it tatooine is nothing but fighting no or anything really grey focused that why I think taking kashyyyke would be good we can keep the peace and help other factions get access to resources
I disagree. wait for 4.0 kiddo


Due to the fact that Grey's are such a small minority and are generally inactive due to their... lack of reason. Giving them a purpose might improve it a bit, but how many active Greys are there? 3, 4? And having no real structure what so ever, nor should they have any structure. Grey's are wandering force users who strive for balance, changing them to have a structure, hierarchy, etc would completely ruin that aspect.

Grey's are fine as they are right now, the general thought of them being something a veteran player can go for if they are up for it. Though I can agree with them having Kashyyyk as their home world. Tatooine is basically just a PVP zone and whenever people do fight there the Grey's are forced to intervene and protect their sand. Maybe protecting trees and natural resources would give them more purpose.


The entire poiny of beig a grey is to essientally do what you want, let them do what they want