Zeus is gone epic gamer moment


Also most of the people who are on that list are people who helped me become who I am today, and also helped me out on reborn, some I’ve been friends with since day 1, so please don’t cry if you aren’t on list, and if I miss anyone that helped me or I’ve been friends with for a year+ just lmk


I mean I might come back but only as like a gray, cause I’ve been sith council pretty much since the server reopened, and I’ve had a lot of drama, and I just you know gotten tired of it all, also Jedi kinda dead so I won’t play it
I mean I might come back but only as like a gray, cause I’ve been sith council pretty much since the server reopened, and I’ve had a lot of drama, and I just you know gotten tired of it all, also Jedi kinda dead so I won’t play it
wdym jedi is great