tyr's ban appeal

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RDE got 35 warns and was shitty to players but got unbanned. However, when Tyr is shitty to players and staff especially the owner apparently he could be banned at 27 warns which is kind of biased and retarded. I don't like Tyr but it is unfair. +1
after a ban wipe rde got unbanned


+1 if staff want to be bias then they have no place in this community. he may not be apologetic or even the slightest bit kind but he is still under the warn max and even then some players are over that so its knida bs that he got permad at 27. he still has 3 before he supposed to be permad so let him play till them or shorten the ban at least. a bais high ranking staff isnt good for any community and plus it was technically ic is the fact it was scomms and advert so ic action should have been taken not a ban but maybe an exile.

edit: i hit +2 instead of +1
-1 I’ve said it for months, because I always knew that you’d be perma banned one day. And every time you did something toxic, or just fuckin obnoxious, I always told you is -1 your appeal. Day finally came I guess.
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